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To support Ukraine, ASDE organized a two-day international forum in the Netherlands and Ukraine
The goal is to consolidate stakeholders, including the business sector in Ukraine and the EU, to have an effective and practical discussion on what needs to be done to rebuild Ukraine. Since the beginning of the war, Ukrainian cities and businesses have faced unprecedented challenges that have had a devastating impact on business and the natural environment
Together with our international and national governmental and non-governmental partners, we are committed to developing Ukraine's Green Strategy for the next 20 years, with the International Forum for Sustainable Development 2023 as a starting point.
Government agencies
Financial institutions and funds
Ukrainian and international companies from various sectors of the economy
NGOs and associations,
UN programs
Panel 1
Policy Dialogue: Challenges and Opportunities for Green Recovery of Ukraine
Ukrainian authorities present current policy goals and developments for Ukraine green recovery. What and how do they see Ukraine rebuilding? The panel is a follow-up on the decision of 18 EDFIs to invest in Ukraine's green recovery in June 2023 in London
Panel 2
Financing Ukraine's Green Recovery: implementing non-financial requirements for internaitonal and national investment during and post-war?
The panel will follow the presentation on ESG and Green Finance Requirements of international financiers of Ukraine. What requirements will lenders and FIs impose on financial flows? Will Ukraine be able to meet those requirements?
Panel 3
Partnerships for crisis response and sustainable development programs in Ukraine
In developing reconstruction plans the Ukrainian governmental offices, businesses and civil societies have to work together to propose a viable model for sustainable development, which would also create opportunities for economic and social prosperity of each member of the society
Presentation 3. Ukraine: Environmental and Social Damage Assessment
Panel 4
Impact of the global green agenda on the Ukraine Green Recovery Plan. How will ESG compliance impact recovery of Ukraine?
Preliminary assessment indicates that multi-billion investments will be needed to rebuild the country and to rehabilitate environmental costs of the war. Careful coordination between Ukraine’s leaders and international investment partners is required to integrate ESG principles into Ukraine’s recovery plan and maximize effectiveness and impact of their interventions
Panel 5
Green and Resilient Urban Recovery in Ukraine
To ensure integrity, environmental, social and governance (ESG) elements should be incorporated and serve as a basis to attract private green and sustained finance for the recovery efforts in Ukraine. Capacity and regulatory needs for the URHs and a financial plan for the priority pillars will be presented
Panel 6
Green Economy transition. Decarbonization as a pathway to sustainability
Ukraine has been one of the most carbon-intensive countries of Europe, the ongoing war has further exacerbated the issue and created an additional carbon burden caused by the military actions, destroyed infrastructure and rapid restoration of the damaged facilities. Green Reconstruction and Ukraine’s path to EU membership will be mutually reinforcing processes. Integrated into these needs are critical steps toward becoming a modern, low-carbon, disaster- and climate-resilient country that has aligned with European Union policies and standards in view of being ready to join the European Union
Panel 7
Rebuilding functioning agribusiness in Ukraine: Sustainable practices and business ecosystem
Agriculture generates 40% of Ukraine’s export revenues, making the country a top 5 global exporter of wheat, sunflower oil and other crops. The war has heavily disrupted Ukraine’s agricultural supply chains and production. The panel discusses opportunities for a holistic transition plan for agriculture that considers citizens’ food and water security, farmers’ livelihoods, global transition of food and diet systems, climate change adaptation and development of local value chains