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ASDE is a platform for community members to interact. Networking is a strategic component of our activities. Together we form a conscious civil society
Being in the community means being among like-minded people, experts and practitioners of sustainable development
Being in a community means being among like-minded people, experts and practitioners of sustainable development
collaboration of international partners in the framework of the organization and formation of a sustainable ecosystem;
accumulation and unification of knowledge based on Association of Sustainable Development Experts;
sustainability advocacy and independent leader for business, government and society;
formation of a communication expert platform and promotion on ASDE resources and publications in media resources of partners;
opportunities to increase the level of expertise in the field of sustainable development through the exchange of experience with international experts involved in the work of ASDE;
implementation of educational activities - holding regular events, the opportunity to teach or study on the International Sustainability Business Academy platform;
brand and reputation of expertise in Ukraine;sustainability synergies that standardize approaches;
exchange of experience and work on the basis of a professional platform of sustainable development practitioners for representation in Ukraine and in international arenas.
Membership in ASDE is voluntary and individual, and is governed by the Charter of the organization and current legislation of Ukraine. Both citizens of Ukraine and foreigners can be members of the organization.
ASDE members participate in the creation of projects, implementation of the Strategy, make proposals on areas of activity, participate in voting at the general meeting, elect and may be elected to the governing bodies of the organization